
Articles Tagged "Team Fortress 2"

First (Real) Engineer Update

Makin’ Bacon Coming this Thursday will be the very first TF2 Engineer Update. With it comes the new shotgun: The Frontier Justice. Wicked name. What is this new badboy all about? Well it cleverly works in conjunction with your sentry gun. The Engineer will get two crits for every kill their sentry gets (before destruction) […] more

NLG Source Sprays and Instructions

NLG Sprays section is live! Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead, sprays for all your Source gaming needs! With instructions on adding and removal of sprays. more

TF2 Now Available on Mac

Team Fortress 2 is now on OS X   Big news for the Apple boys (and girls) the world over. The addiction-feeding Team Fortress 2 is now available to Mac users. If you were lucky enough to partake in the sale and snagged a copy for Apple-loving yourself, and also logged in with a Mac […] more

Team Fortress 2 Performance Config

Team Fortress 2 FPS CFG Kaizen’s Team Fortress 2 performance config is designed to boost your frame rates (FPS) while maintaining the best possible graphics experience. It also attempts to improve hit registration (i.e. the accuracy of your shots) by optimizing network settings, improve the visibility of the crosshair, and increase brightness so you can […] more

Team Fortress 2 Crosshair Setup

TF2 Crosshair Setup In any FPS or game that requires aim, there is nothing more valuable on the screen than your crosshair; It is even a bigger factor for newer players as it really helps them get a feel for aiming in Team Fortress 2. What crosshair size should I choose? Not all cross-hair sizes […] more