

  • Publisherid Software
  • Developerid Software
  • Release DateDecember 10, 1993
  • ESRB RatingMature

Classic DOOM

Pre-order Doom Titlescreen Model has produced an incredible model replica of the original Doom Titlescreen. They are producing 2 versions of this, one without a light up base (standard edition) and one with a glowing lava base… more

Creating the Original Doom Chainsaw

There Will be Blood One day not too long ago I was looking at my Doom collection and felt it was missing something… something like a chainsaw. I was looking at the movie props for the Doom movie but felt that I didn’t really want to drop $2500 on a prop, regardless of how incredibly […] more

Doom Title Screen in Hama Beads

A Bead is Worth a Thousand Words Just as the title reads. Had this thrown my way and now have to share it with you: An epic recreation of the Doom title screen reinterpreted using nothing but Hama Beads. The project used 56,832 beads and sizes in at 4’7″ x 3’11”. Impressive. So much so […] more

Doom Music

Best place for Doom Music We’ve compiled a list of Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Doom 64 songs all in one place available for download. Each Doom song is listed by the map name and by the title of the song so it should be rather easy to find your favorite pieces of music from […] more

How to Play Classic Doom 1 and 2

How to setup Classic Doom 1 or 2 on a modern PC more