
Removed Key Bindings in Kaizen’s CFG

Due to numerous complaints, i have disabled all of the key binding settings in Kaizen's Source Cfg. They are commented out, however still remain in the config if you wish to view them. To re-enable them, simply find the section in the config that says "Key Binds" and delete the "//"'s before all the bound keys and rebind them to whatever keys you wish.

The only other setting that I disabled was my custom mouse sensitivity which is found right below the key binding section and commented out in the same manner. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to those who lost their key bindings. As I mentioned on the forum's, it is a good idea to have your key bindings set in your autoexec.cfg. The reason for this is that admins from certain servers have the ability to rebind or change your settings without your consent. Kaizen's config was developed to overwrite all settings from your config.cfg, so you'd never need worry if you've been admin hacked.

If you need any help, head to the forums and I'll answer any questions you may have!

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