Review: Poker Night at the Inventory
The Story
So here we are. An underground prohibition-made speak easy for a friendly game of Texas Hold'em with some witty and (relatively) famous game stars. We're joined by Tycho Brahe from the famous Penny-Arcade online comic and the "On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness" series, Max the psychokinetic rabbity thing from the Sam & Max adventure game series, The Heavy from the Team Fortress 2 FPS and Strong Bad the ego-maniacal Lucha Libre from Homestarrunner and his own game "Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People".
The stakes are $10,000 a game, winner takes all, losers sulk at the bar and drink. Deal 'em! This isn't about story, it's about a quick poker game, and yet we're given a rich little history lesson on the establishment we're playing in (complete with some cameos of meandering characters) and some backstory on our fellow players as we're gambling. Neat! There was effort put in here despite how unnecessary it was.