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How to juggle a girlfriend and gaming

Women are complicated As you may know 95% of women despise guys who play video games for even a few minutes let alone a few hours. Don’t despair friend, there are plenty of ways to get your girlfriend to accept your addiction.. in fact, you may even be able to get her to embrace it! […] more

Destroying bad habits

“Oops, I did it again” How many times have you died in Counter-Strike and said to yourself “Oops”? You know what I’m talking about, the deaths you felt you could have prevented but they continue to plague your game round after round. These mistakes really start to add up over time and knowing how to […] more

Concentration is key

Being competitive in Counter-Strike Source is heavily dependent on concentration. If you can’t concentrate fully on the game, you’re bound to make mistakes and miss shots that you normally wouldn’t. So obviously if you want to compete and play at the highest level, you will need to remove all distractions from your play area. Most […] more