
Review: Duke Nukem Forever


The game is a bit of a mixed bag, sure, but it's pretty expected and forgiveable given the length of time it took to finish this guy. While many might not be blown away because they're spoiled with the games of today like Crysis, the game should be easily enjoyed by fans of the original Duke Nukem 3D or just any awesome-oriented FPS fans in general. We have waited years for this game to come into existence and after all this waiting we have been given the Duke Nukem game we have all been aching for. I don't think I could be happier with the final result, especially given the amount that could've gone wrong with it or the fact that it may never have even been released at all!

Sure with this much anticipation and waiting it's easy to have your hopes and expectations set to unreal standards. Although it isn't the most visually engaging game by today's standards it is easily more fun than most First-Person crapfests that I've had the displeasure of mulling through lately.


  • Story: A great continuation of the Duke Nukem universe that is full of testosterone driven action and hilarious story development.
  • Gameplay: A pretty solid experience that can be enjoyed by players of any skill level and is seemingly glitch free!
  • Graphics: When visual detail shines, it shines bright. Well designed levels that have a great sense of realism while still being very humorous. Plus, uncensored boobies out the wazoo - thanks for not holding it back guys.
  • Sound: Great quality and fantastic voicework/dialogue from our man Duke Nukem! Also no language restriction, so it's some great adult oriented entertainment.


  • Visual Quality: When it's not shining, it's dated and sometimes just plain poor.
  • Enemy AI: Is easy to read and easily adaptable. Enemies can also get stuck on debris or detail sometimes making them immobile targets.
  • Dialogue: Some dialogue is poorly written and filled with profanity just for the sake of being profane it seems.
  • Interactive Physics: Interactive objects have sloppy physics, which could be a big deal for some achievement/trophy hunters.


Review Grade A
SCORE: 88%

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